Page 464 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 464

                                                                       Financial Policies
                                                                     FInAnCIAL POLICIES

                                                   city of southlake

                 economic Development investment funD eXpenDiture guiDelines

            •  GUIDING PRINCIPLE:  Expenditures of Economic Development Investment Funds will stimulate the local economy
               by providing funding to achieve the City’s strategic economic development goals
            •  Expenditures will support implementation of the Economic Development Master Plan which is focused on
               achieving a vibrant, sustainable economy.

            •  Expenditures for public investment that have no alternate funding source which may include:

               •  Project enhancements desired by the City that meet established development goals such as open space

               •  Up-front incentive designed to address unique needs such as job creation tied to occupancy of an historically
                   vacant property or job retention related to redevelopment
            •  Non-recurring studies or planning needs that promote growth in target industries.

            •  Non-recurring marketing and other recruitment efforts designed to support the development of target

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