Page 294 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 294
reCyCling fund
This fund accounts for an annual payment to the City made by the City’s solid waste services provider, per the
terms of the service contract. Recycling
2023 Proposed and 2022 Revised Budget
$ Increase/ $ Increase/
2021 2022 2022 (Decrease) % Increase/ 2023 (Decrease) % Increase/
Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Proposed Adopted -Decrease
Recycling Recovery $6,000 $6,000 $22,489 $16,489 274.8% $6,000 $0 0.0%
Interest 63 125 100 (25) -20.0% 100 (25) -20.0%
Total Revenues $6,063 $6,125 $22,589 $16,464 268.8% $6,100 ($25) -0.4%
Special Projects $0 $5,600 $22,089 $16,489 294.4% $5,700 100 1.8%
Recycling Supplies 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0%
Capital 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0%
Total Expenditures $0 $5,600 $22,089 $16,489 294.4% $5,700 $100 1.8%
Net Revenues $6,063 $525 $500 ($25) $400 ($125)
Transfer to other funds $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Other Sources/(Uses) $0 $0 $0 $0
Beginning Fund Balance $70,395 $76,458 $76,458 $76,958
Ending Fund Balance $76,458 $76,983 $76,958 $77,358
fy 2023 highlightS:
• The City’s contract for solid waste services provides for an annual payment to the City of $6,000 for a total
projected revenue of $6,100, including interest.
• Note that the beginning fund balance is $76,958. The adopted budget includes $5,700 for recycling education.
• The projected ending fund balance is $77,358.
BUDGET BOOK | FY 2023 City of Southlake 293