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Drainage Utility Fund FY 2022/2023 Adopted Budget
Revenues / Resources
The FY 2022/2023 adopted revenues in the Drainage Utility Fund are $2,722,080. This is an
increase from the FY 2021/2022 Adopted Budget by $1,031,019 or 61.0%. Below are the revenue
$41,00 increase in Drainage Fees based on current year trend in collections.
$10,011 increase in Interest Income based on estimated cash on hand that will be available
for investing.
$980,828 increase in Appropriation of Fund Balance necessary to cover anticipated capital
projects planned for FY 2022/2023.
The FY 2022/2023 adopted expenditures in the Drainage Utility Fund are $2,722,080. This is an
increase from the FY 2021/2022 Adopted Budget of $1,031,019 or 58.9%. Below are the
expenditure highlights.
$120,606 increase in Public Works Administration related to a reallocation of salaries and
benefits for portions of two positions now being accounted for in the Drainage Utility Fund.
($15,225) decrease in Debt Service Payments based on the estimated debt schedule for
FY 2022/2023.
$1,927,000 increase in capital transfers to reflect capital needs in FY 2022/2023 for the
following projects:
o Street Drainage Improvements Project (DR2201)
o Walker Branch Channel Repair (DR1701)
o Meadow Lakes Bfc-7 Drainage Improvements (DR2303)
o Northwest Stonybrook Drainage Improvements (DR2302)
o Stream Lb-1 Bank Restoration (DR2301)
o Street Drainage Improvements Project (DR2304)
($1,002,311) decrease in Planned Contribution to Fund Balance.
$6,487 increase in expenses for the FY2022/2023 Merit/Market salary adjustments.
$23,312 increase in expenses to pay for a portion of a new Engineer Associate position
approved in FY 2022/2023.
The adopted budget for FY 2022/2023 reflects an ending balance of $0.