Page 470 - Cover 3.psd
P. 470
Category FY 2022/2023 FY 2022/2023 Diff Comment
Proposed Adopted
Utility Fund Schedule 16
Total Resources $40,545,945 $41,429,302 $883,357 Revenues were updated to be in line with forecasted trends and
Appropriation of Fund Balance was made to bring the fund into balance.
Total Expenditures $40,951,401 $41,429,302 $477,901 Salary adjustments, enhancements to existing programs or new
programs were included as part of the Adopted Budget approved by
Council. Fund was balanced.
Aquatic Park Fund Schedule 17
Total Resources $4,660,284 $4,660,284 $0 No change.
Total Expenditures $4,487,391 $4,660,284 $172,893 Salary adjustments, enhancements to existing programs or new
programs, and Contribution to Fund Balance were included as part of
the Adopted Budget approved by Council. Fund was balanced.
Golf Course Fund Schedule 18
Total Resources $3,345,060 $3,345,060 $0 No change.
Total Expenditures $3,315,402 $3,345,060 $29,658 Planned contribution to fund balance was included as part of the
Adopoted Budget approved by Council.
Facilities / Construction Mgmt Fund Schedule 19
Total Resources $3,098,597 $3,324,599 $226,002 Appropriation of Fund Balance was made to bring the fund into balance.
Total Expenditures $2,915,883 $3,324,599 $408,716 Salary adjustments, enhancements to existing programs or new
programs were included as part of the Adopted Budget approved by
Council. Fund was balanced.
Fleet Services Fund Schedule 20
Total Resources $4,484,554 $4,753,900 $269,346 Fleet allocation was updated and Appropriation of Fund Balance was
made to bring the fund into balance.
Total Expenditures $4,549,557 $4,753,900 $204,343 Salary adjustments, enhancements to existing programs or new
programs were included as part of the Adopted Budget approved by
Council. Fund was balanced.
Information Technology Fund Schedule 21
Total Resources $4,607,481 $5,004,665 $397,184 Information Technology Computer allocation increased and
Appropriation of Fund Balance was made to bring the fund into balance.
Total Expenditures $4,646,443 $5,004,665 $358,222 Salary adjustments, enhancements to existing programs or new
programs were included as part of the Adopted Budget approved by
Council. Fund was balanced.
Self Insurance Fund Schedule 22
Total Resources $15,013,689 $15,228,074 $214,385 Revenue increased as a result of new programs or enhancements
included in the Adopted Budget approved by Council. Fund was
Total Expenditures $14,187,657 $15,228,074 $1,040,417 Salary adjustments, enhancements to existing programs or new
programs were included as part of the Adopted Budget approved by
Council. Fund was balanced.