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LIABILITIES: Debts or other legal obligations arising out of transactions in the past which must be
liquidated, renewed, or refunded at some future date.
LINE ITEM BUDGET: A budget that lists each expenditure item separate along with the dollar
amount budgeted for each specific account number.
LONG TERM DEBT: Debt with a maturity of more than one year after the date of issuance.
MAINTENANCE: All materials or contract expenditures covering repair and upkeep of City
buildings, machinery and equipment, systems, and land.
MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS (M&O): Represents the portion of taxes assessed for the
maintenance and operations of the General Fund Services.
MIXED BEVERAGE TAX: A tax at the rate of ten (10%) percent imposed on the gross receipts of a
Licensee for the sale, preparation, or service of mixed beverages or from the sale of ice or non-
alcoholic beverages consumed on the premises of the permitted.
METROPLEX: The contiguous metropolitan area located in North Central Texas consisting of the
Dallas-Fort Worth Area and surrounding areas including the City of North Richland Hills.
MODIFIED ACCRUAL BASIS: The accrual basis of accounting adapted to the governmental fund type
spending measurement focus. Under it, revenues are recognized when they become both
“measurable” and “available” to finance expenditures of the current period. Expenditures are
recognized when the related fund liability is incurred except for (1) inventories of materials and
supplies which may be considered expenditures either when purchased or when used; (2) prepaid
insurance and similar items which need not be reported; (3) accumulated unpaid vacation, sick
pay, and other employee benefit amounts which need not be recognized in the current period, but
for which larger than normal accumulations must be disclosed in the notes to the financial
statements; (4) interest on special assessment indebtedness which may be recorded when due
rather than accrued, if offset by interest earnings on special assessment levies: and (5) principal
and interest on long-term debt which are generally recognized when due.
MUNICIPAL: Of or pertaining to a city or its government.
NEIGHBORHOOD INITIATIVE PROGRAM: Program developed in 2004 by the City of North Richland
Hills to help single parents, elderly, and people with disabilities with repairs to their homes and
yard work. The city receives donated equipment and supplies from local businesses in order to
help those in need.
NTE – North Tarrant Expressway
NON‐DEPARTMENTAL: Department to budget expenses that benefit the fund as a whole rather than
a particular department within the fund.