Page 92 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
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2020-2021  Actual  All Fund  Types  59,115,319  $         33,137,009             8,096,032               5,151,280               51,257,491             3,704,558               30,871                    8,124,464               29,598,028             2,059,018               5,505,701               7,149,584               212,929,354           58,206,431             32,114,283             14,126,047             5,292,098               32,234,255             2,165,632               431,436                  23,918,853             8,121,890               5,393,824               182,004,750           30,924,603             313,216,575           30,924,603             344,141,178  $

                                             2021-2022  Budget  All Fund  Types  59,818,703  $           30,933,257               7,617,430                 5,035,683                 40,566,939               3,044,119                 101,000                    793,563                    90,894,552               232,862                    2,500,000                 4,905,741                 246,443,849             64,636,851               29,192,145               9,767,938                 5,283,566                 97,959,335               936,000                    5,292,740                 27,337,548               6,037,726                 246,443,849             -                           264,223,404             -                           264,223,404  $

                                             2022-2023  Budget  All Fund  Types  65,062,876  $           37,278,297               8,010,106                 5,187,898                 45,554,196               3,098,066                 70,000                      687,211                    101,804,877             202,800                    2,500,000                 7,091,066                 276,547,393             70,515,778               34,984,440               11,779,641               4,009,711                 110,200,429             1,471,157                 9,000,851                 26,520,389               8,064,998                 -                           276,547,393             -                           336,259,744             -                           336,259,744  $

                                  D                      nterprise  Funds                       2,209,792  37,382,411  24,000                    60,000                    39,676,203  7,603,741  20,739,989  1,247,603  795,513                  5,898,541  3,390,816  39,676,203  -                          238,855,726  -                          238,855,726
                                  NDS COMBINE      Capital  E  Projects  Funds*                                             101,804,877  2,500,000  2,662,245             106,967,122               1,288,638                          105,678,484                                       106,967,122  -           43,742,613  -  $       43,742,613

                                  -ALL MAJOR FU  AR 2022-2023  E  ice          16,110,269  5,811,695  527,175  4,071,250                                               26,520,389                         26,520,389               26,520,389                        -            6,813,284                        -  $        6,813,284

                                  MMARY  FISCAL Y  Debt   Serv  Funds          $                                                                                                                                                                                                                           $

                                  T SU                                                                           16,000  125,000  2,800      321,132                          668,310  345,993                  596,440               -                -

                                  DGE              Special   enue  Funds             13,181,579       2,212,200                                   15,858,711       4,715,706  2,763,675   4,521,945  2,246,643             15,858,711                        19,454,217                        19,454,217

                                  BU                     Rev                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    $

                                                         General  Fund         48,952,607  18,285,023  8,010,106  2,450,931  1,888,335  3,098,066  30,000  502,211  200,000  4,107,689  87,524,968  56,907,693  11,480,776  9,863,728  2,868,206  1,471,157  855,667  4,077,742  87,524,968  -                            27,393,905  -                            27,393,905

                                                                               $                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  $            * Includes proceeds from previous bond issues and remaining funding for on-going projects.

                                                                                                                                                  S  RCE                                                                   S  SE      S)  SE

                                                                                                                            ear Projects*         TOTAL SOU                         penses  ear Projects*                  TOTAL U    S/(U  RCE  TS    S)  SE

                                                                               es    eneral Sales & Use Tax  es             Bond Proceeds & Prior Y rant Proceeds & Contributions  Operations & Maintenance     Operating Transfers Out  TOTAL SOU  T ASSE  S/(U  RCE  TS  T ASSE

                                                                          S                           Charges for Services  Licenses & Permits  Miscellaneous Revenue  Operating Transfers In  Contactural Services  Other Miscellaneous Ex  Capital Outlay & Prior Y  Economic Incentives  GINNING NE
                                                                          RCE  Property Tax  Franchise Tax  Fines & Fees               Impact Fees                 Salary & Benefits                      Debt Service  Depreciation                   TOTAL SOU  NDING NE

                                                                          SOU        G                           Interest         G                           S  SE  U                               Reserve                                     BE          E

   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97