Page 301 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 301

GASB 34                     Basic  financial  statements  and management’s  discussion  and
                                           analysis for  State  and Local governments. GASB  34 requires
                                           state and local governments to produce financial statements on
                                           an accrual basis in much the same manner as a private sector
                                           entity. The  objective is to enhance the understanding and
                                           usefulness of the financial reports of state and local governments
                                           to the public, legislative and oversight bodies as well as
                                           investors and creditors.

               General Fund                The largest fund within the City, the General Fund accounts for
                                           most of the  financial resources of the government.  General
                                           Fund revenues include property taxes, licenses and permits,
                                           local taxes, service charges, and other types of revenue.  This
                                           fund usually includes most of the basic operating services, such
                                           as fire and police protection, finance, data processing, park and
                                           recreation, libraries, public works and general administration.

               General Ledger              A file that contains a listing of the various accounts necessary to
                                           reflect the financial position of the government.

               General Obligation Bonds    Bonds that finance a variety of public projects such as streets,
                                           buildings, and improvements; the repayment of these bonds is
                                           usually made from the  General Fund, and these bonds are
                                           backed by the full faith and credit of the issuing government.

               Governmental Fund           Funds used to account for essentially the same functions
                                           reported  as  governmental  activities  in  the  government-wide
                                           financial statements.

               Grant                       A contribution by a government or other organization to support
                                           a particular function.  Grants  may be classified as  either
                                           categorical or block depending  upon the amount of discretion
                                           allowed the grantee.

               Impact Fee                  A fee charged at the  time of building  permit issuance for
                                           roadway and utility infrastructure costs in various quadrants of
                                           the City.

               Infrastructure              The underlying permanent foundation  or basic framework e.g.
                                           streets, water, sewer, public buildings, and parks.

               Inter-fund Transfers        Amounts transferred from one fund to another.

               Intergovernmental Revenue  Revenue received from another government for a specified
                                           purpose.  In Mansfield, these funds are from the State of Texas
                                           and the Federal Government.

               Internal Service Fund       Funds used to account for the financing of  goods or services
                                           provided by  one department to another department on a cost
                                           reimbursement basis.

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