Page 85 - CityofKennedaleFY23Budget
P. 85

                                                                            W H A T   I S  T H E  V AL U E  O F
                                                                              T H E  S T O RM W A T E R
                                                                              D R AI N AG E  SY ST E M ?
                                                                        The estimated replacement value of
                                                                        the stormwater drainage system (in
                                                                        2015 dollars) is approximately $3.3
                                                                        million. The cost per household for
                                                                        the stormwater drainage system is
                                                                        $1,416 based on the number of
                                                                        households in FY2015.

                                                                          W H A T  IS   T H E  C ON D IT I ON
                                                                            O F  TH E   S TO R M W A TE R
                                                                              D R AI N AG E  SY ST E M ?
                                                                        Based on assessed condition ratings,
                                                                        87% of the City’s stormwater pipes
                                                                        and 100% of culverts are in good to
                                                                        excellent condition. As such, the city
                                                                        received a Condition vs. Performance
                                                                        rating of ‘B’

   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90