Page 23 - CityofKennedaleFY23Budget
P. 23

Within this document, you will see charts similar to this one:

               These charts provide a comparative view with the prior year actuals, current year estimates,
               and current year budget.  The columns are based on a Fiscal Year (FY) that runs from October 1
               through September 30 of each year, rather than the calendar year. For example, references to
               FY22 refer to activity between October 1, 2021 and September 30, 2022 and FY23 refer to the
               time frame October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023.

               Additionally, the amount of fund balance at the beginning and end of each period is shown at
               the bottom of all activity for each fund.

               Within this document, you will see account codes.  The first 2 digits represent the fund, the
               next 4 digits represent the object, the next 2 digits represent the department, and the last 2
               digits represent the program.

               A sample account code of 83-5290-01-00 EXPENDABLE SUPPLY would be for fund 83 -- Tree
               Restoration Fund, Object 5290 Expendable Supplies, department 01 and no program.

               A list of the funds is as follows:
               01 General Fund              15 EDC                       35 Disaster Recovery
                02 Debt Service             16 Court Technology          41 Park and Other Donations
                04 Capital Projects         17 Street Improvement        45 Roadway Impact Fee
                05 Capital Replacement      18 Juvenile Cash Manager     61 Water Impact Fee

                07 Stormwater Utility       21 TIF #1 New Hope           62 Sewer Impact Fee
                10 Water/Sewer              30 Hotel/Motel Tax           83 Tree Restoration
                12 Court Security           31 Police Seizure            85 Unclaimed Property

                13 Capital Bond             32 Library Building
                14 Park Dedication          34 LEOSE Police Training

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