Page 377 - HurstFY23AnnualBudget
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               Full Time Equivalents – the hours worked by one employee on a full-time basis. The concept is used to
               convert the hours worked by several part-time employees in to the hours worked by full-time employees.

               Fund - An accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts that record financial transactions for
               specific activities or government function.

               Fund Accounting - A governmental accounting system, which is organized and operated on a fund

               Fund Balance - The excess of assets over liabilities.

               Fund Type - In governmental accounting, all funds are classified into eight fund types: General,
               Special Revenue, Debt Service, Capital Projects, Permanent, Enterprise, Internal Service, and Trust and

               GAAP - Generally accepted accounting principles as determined through common practice or as
               promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, Financial Accounting Standards
               Board, or various other accounting standard setting bodies.

               GASB – (Governmental Accounting Standards Board) GASB was established in 1984 as the body
               authorized to establish accounting standards for state and local government.

               GASB 34 – The 34th Concepts Statement issued by GASB. This statement changes the way that local
               governments prepare and present their annual financial statements. Under the new model, the financial
               report is presented on an entity wide basis rather than fund by fund. Furthermore, the city’s infrastructure
               (roadways, traffic signals, drainage channels) will be listed as assets of the city and reported at their
               depreciable value.

               General Fund - The fund used to account for all financial resources except those required to be
               accounted for in another fund.

               General Obligation Bonds - Bonds that finance a variety of public projects, which pledge the full faith,
               and credit of the City.

               GFOA – Government Finance Officers Association

               Goals - Broad, general statements of each division's desired social or organizational outcomes.

               Governmental Funds – Applies to all funds except for the profit and loss funds (e.g., Enterprise Fund
               Internal Service Fund, and Trust and Agency Funds.)

               Grant - A contribution by a government or other organization to support a particular function. Grants may
               be classified as either categorical or block depending upon the amount of discretion allowed the grantee.

               Homestead Exemption - A deduction from the total taxable assessed value of owner occupied
               property. The exemption in Hurst is 20% with an additional $35,000 for senior citizens, or disabled

               Hurst Community Services Development Corporation - A nonprofit corporation authorized by Section
               4B, Article 5190.6 of the Industrial Corporation Act of 1979 with power to issue long term debt payable
               from half percent sales tax proceeds.

               Hurst Profile - A document that is available from the Office of Economic Development that compiles
               information and statistics, which provides a comprehensive profile of the City of Hurst.

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