Page 37 - CityofHaltomFY23Budget
P. 37

CITY OF HALTOM CITY ANNUAL BUDGET, FY2023                    Budget overview

                           CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY OF ALL FUNDS (PART 2)
                                                 Expenditures (Uses)

           Fund    Operating      Capital     Inter-Fund       Total                       Estimated
           No.    Expenditures    Outlay     Transfers Out  Expenditures  Depreciation/  Fund Balance
                                                               [Uses]      Adjustments     9/30/2023

           01             37,241,337        1,124,000           1,458,500          39,823,837             (210,000)          13,048,778
           05              7,480,549                  -                      -            7,480,549               970,093
           11                        -                   -                      -                      -            3,605,232
           12              2,225,013                  -                      -            2,225,013            2,579,764
           13                        -                   -                      -                      -            1,840,077
           14                   44,872                  -                      -                 44,872               190,035
           15                        -                   -                 15,000                15,000               115,666
           16                   32,000                  -                      -                 32,000                   1,760
           17                     1,000                  -                 24,000                25,000                 48,587
           18                   28,000             40,000                 68,000                     145,907
           19                 151,500                  -                      -               151,500               174,517
           20                     5,000                  -                      -                   5,000               555,857
           21                     6,548                  -                      -                   6,548                   9,290
           22                 123,842                  -                      -               123,842               144,071
           23                   16,000                  -                      -                 16,000                 67,715
           24                   40,500                  -                      -                 40,500                 27,229
           25                   85,000                  -                      -                 85,000                 56,693
           26                        -                   -                      -                      -                 68,638
           27                     5,000                  -                      -                   5,000                 41,003
           28                   30,500                  -                      -                 30,500                 24,942
           29                     1,000                  -                      -                   1,000                   4,802
           31                 588,000        6,135,000           5,900,000          12,623,000           21,591,003
           32                         20,477,000                     -           20,477,000            6,076,297
           35                        -            850,000                     -               850,000            1,095,877
           39                        -                   -                      -                      -                 24,777
           41             23,077,607           300,000           7,860,000          31,237,607           2,254,096           8,450,241
           42                 600,000       12,135,000                     -           12,735,000           18,548,619
           44                 230,000                  -                      -               230,000            3,343,320
           45              1,888,140                  -               890,000           2,778,140              437,446              559,755
           46                        -         6,427,500                     -            6,427,500               624,143
                          73,901,407       47,488,500          16,147,500        137,537,407           2,481,542 $       84,034,688



              Beginning Balance

                 Ending Balance

                               $0                   $50                  $100                 $150
   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42