Page 44 - Grapevine FY23 Adopted Budget (1)
P. 44

The City has also issued tax notes, which are generally short-term debt instruments, in the amount
               of $4.9 million for upgrades to the police/fire radio system, fire apparatus, police vehicles and golf

                                                     Issue       Date
                  Outstanding Tax Note Debt Issues  Amount       Issued             Use of Proceeds

                Tax Notes Series 2013               $3,965,000  06/15/13  Police/Fire radio system,  fire apparatus,
                                                                          police vehicles, golf equipment
                Tax Notes Series 2017                $970,000   10/17/17  Vehicles

               Tax notes, GO bonds and COs all represent tax-supported debt, also called governmental debt.
               Although the CO issues are a combination of tax and revenue supported debt, in the event of a
               revenue shortfall the City has pledged its taxing authority as surety.

               Overall, current outstanding governmental debt as of October 1 is $174.4 million, with GO Bonds
               comprising 49% of total debt.  During FY23, total outstanding debt is projected to decrease by $2
               million (-1.2%).

                                                    Outstanding       Interest         Total      Percentage
                 Debt Instrument                     Principal         Due             Debt        of Total
                 General Obligation Bonds             $65,466,912     $20,233,981     $85,700,893    49.13%
                 Certificates of Obligation           $51,974,431     $18,922,351     $70,896,782    40.64%
                 Tax Notes and Contractual Obligations   $729,794         $91,769        $821,563     0.47%
                 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds              $13,071,330      $3,953,064     $17,024,394     9.76%
                 Total                               $131,242,467     $43,201,165    $174,443,632   100.00%

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