Page 265 - Grapevine FY23 Adopted Budget (1)
P. 265

Division - The smallest unit of budgetary accountability and control, which encompasses
               specific work units for accomplishing a City operation.

               EMS - Emergency Medical Services

               EMT - Emergency Medical Technician

               Effective Tax Rate - State law in Texas prescribes a formula for calculating the effective tax
               rate for cities. The net effect of the formula is to produce a tax rate that goes down when property
               values rise because of inflation and vice versa.  The intent  is  to  generate a rate that produces
               approximately  the  same  revenue  as  the  year  before.  The  formula  does  make  adjustments  for
               newly annexed property and newly constructed property.

               Encumbrance - The commitment of appropriated funds to purchase an item or service.

               Enterprise Fund - A fund established to account for operations that are financed and operated in
               a manner similar to private business. It is the City's intent to recover the costs of providing a
               service primarily through user charges.

               EPA - Environmental Protection Agency

               Expenditures - Outflow of non-enterprise funds paid or to be paid for an asset obtained or goods
               and services obtained.

               Expenses - Outflow of enterprise funds paid or to be paid for an asset obtained or goods and
               services obtained.

               Fiscal Policy - The City's policies with respect to taxes, spending, and debt management as they
               relate to government services, programs, and capital investment. Reflect a set of principals for
               the planning and programming of government budgets.

               Fiscal Year - The time period designated by the City signifying the beginning and ending period
               for recording financial transactions. The City of Grapevine has specified October I to September
               30 as its fiscal year.

               Fixed Assets - Assets of a long-term character that are intended to continue to be held or used,
               such as land, buildings, improvements other than buildings, machinery and equipment.

               Franchise Fee - A fee levied by City Council on businesses that use City property or right-of-
               way. This fee is usually charged as a percentage of gross receipts.

               Full Funding - Term used to designate full year payment for personnel or other budgeted items.

               Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) - The measure of authorized personnel often referred to as worker-
               years.  The full time equivalent of 1 position (1 FTE) approximately represents 2080 hours of
               work per year.

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