Page 533 - FortWorthFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 533

1.  Non-spendable Fund Balance  –  Includes  amounts that are  not in a
                                     spendable  form or are  required to  be maintained intact. Examples  are
                                     consumable inventories.

                                     2. Restricted Fund Balance – Includes amounts that can be spent only for
                                     the specific purposes stipulated by external resource providers  either
                                     constitutionally or through enabling legislation. Examples include  grants
                                     and donations.

                                     3. Committed Fund Balance – Includes amounts that can be used only for
                                     the specific purposes  determined  by a  formal action  (for example,
                                     legislation,  resolution, and ordinance) of the City Council.  Those
                                     committed amounts cannot be used  for any other purpose unless the
                                     government removes or changes the specified use by taking the same type
                                     of action it employed to previously commit those amounts.

                                     4. Assigned Fund Balance – Comprises amounts intended to be used by
                                     the City of Fort Worth for specific purposes. Intent should be expressed
                                     by the City Manager. In governmental funds other than the General Fund,
                                     assigned  fund balance represents  the  amount that is not  restricted or
                                     committed. This indicates that resources in other governmental  funds are,
                                     at minimum, intended to be used for the purpose of that fund.

                                     5. Unassigned Fund Balance - Represents fund balance that has not  been
                                     assigned to other funds and that has not been restricted, committed, or
                                     assigned to a specific  purpose within the General Fund.  Unassigned
                                     amounts are technically available for any purpose.

                          r.  General Fund  –  One of five governmental fund types. The General Fund
                              typically serves as the chief operating fund of a government. The General Fund is
                              used  to  account  for  all  financial  resources  not  accounted for  or  restricted  to
                              another fund.

                          s.  Governmental Fund – funds generally used to account for tax-supported activities.
                              There are five different types of  governmental funds including: General Fund,
                              Special Revenue Funds, General Debt Service Fund,  Capital Project Funds, and
                              Permanent Funds.

                          t.  Incurred but not Reported Claims – Claims/and or events that have transpired,
                              but have not yet been reported.

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