Page 440 - FortWorthFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 440

4.      Tax Notes

                                         Tax notes may be issued without a public election to finance the
                                         construction, acquisition, and expenses associated with placing  a
                                         capital asset into service.  Under State law, the issuance of tax notes
                                         must be approved as to legality by the State Attorney General, and
                                         must mature no later than the seventh anniversary of the date that the
                                         Attorney General approves the tax notes.  Tax notes will be issued
                                         considering the useful life of the capital asset to be financed, and
                                         consideration of the economies that the City may achieve through the
                                         issuance of obligations  with a shorter term of  maturity than that
                                         typically associated with a bond amortization structure (see D. Debt
                                         Structure, below).  The issuance of tax notes may be substituted for
                                         the issuance of Certificates of Obligations; however, the same
                                         principles apply.

                          D.      Debt Structure

                                  General obligation bonds, certificates of obligation, and tax notes may be
                                  structured with level principal or level debt service, with a preference
                                  towards level principal.  Revenue bonds will typically be structured with
                                  level debt service. With respect to the issuance  of revenue bonds for a
                                  stand-alone or self-supporting project, the term of the debt and debt service
                                  structure shall be  consistent with the useful life of the project and the
                                  revenue-generating capability of the project.

                                  There shall be no debt structures, which include increasing debt service
                                  levels in subsequent years, with the exception of the first and second year
                                  of a payment schedule. Revenue bonds may have an amortization exempt
                                  from this provision; however, they should be structured to provide uniform
                                  coverage levels across the life of the bonds. There shall be no "balloon"
                                  bond repayment schedules, which consist of low annual payments and one
                                  large payment of the balance due at the end of the term. There shall always
                                  be at least interest paid in the first fiscal year after a bond sale and principal
                                  starting generally no later than the second fiscal year after the bond issue.
                                  In the case of a revenue generating project, principal repayment should
                                  begin no later than the first full year after the project has been placed in
                                  service. Normally, there shall be no capitalized interest included in the debt
                                  structure unless there are no historical reserves upon which to draw.

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