Page 410 - FortWorthFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 410

V.     Policy:

                          General Fund

                          A.  Reserve Levels  -  The City will maintain  an  Unassigned  Fund Balance  in the
                              General Fund equivalent to two months (16.67 %) of the next fiscal year budgeted
                              operating expenditures.

                          B.  Committed Fund Balance – The City Council maintains the City’s highest level of
                              decision-making authority and the formal action that is required to be taken  to
                              establish, modify, or rescind a fund balance commitment is an item placed on the
                              City Council’s agenda and approved at a City Council meeting. The action  must
                              either approve or rescind, as applicable, prior to the last day of the fiscal year  for
                              which  the  commitment  is  made.  The  amount  subject  to  the  constraint  may be
                              determined in the subsequent period.

                          C.  Assigned Fund Balance – The City Council, through adoption of this policy,  has
                              authorized  the  City  Manager  or  his/her  designee  and  the  Chief  Financial
                              Officer/Director of Finance to jointly designate or commit assigned fund balances
                              without further City Council approval. It should be noted that this authority only
                              gives the ability to designate future “intended” uses of fund balance that are in
                              excess  of nonspendable, restricted, and  committed amounts, and the minimum
                              required reserve. It does not vest additional spending authority in  the City
                              Manager  or  his/her designee  or Chief  Financial  Officer/Director  of Finance.
                              Subsequent appropriations of fund balance would continue to require City Council

                              Spending Priorities - When expenditures are incurred for the purposes for  which
                              both restricted and unrestricted fund balance are available, the City will consider
                              restricted funds to be spent before unrestricted funds. Further, if there is  an
                              expenditure incurred for purposes for which committed, assigned, or unassigned
                              fund balance classifications could be used, and the City will consider committed
                              funds to be spent before assigned funds, and will consider assigned funds to be spent
                              before unassigned funds.

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