Page 87 - FY 22-23 Budget Book - For Website_202303071553082457.pdf
P. 87


                                          FY 21-22          % Change  FY 22-23  Non-          FY 22-23  % Change
                                 FY 20-21  Revised  FY 21-22  21-22 Bud. to  Base  Discretionary Decision  Adopted  21-22 Proj. to
                                  Actual   Budget  Projected  21-22 Proj.  Budget  Packages  Packages  Budget  22-23 Adopted

           TOTAL GENERAL
           FUND REVENUES        $  72,470,235  $  76,410,960  $  77,742,860  1.74% $ 83,335,229  $  134,000  $  -  $  83,469,229  7.37%
   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92