Page 404 - FY 22-23 Budget Book - For Website_202303071553082457.pdf
P. 404
Pension Expense
Pension Contributions
Employee Insurance
Payroll Taxes
Salary Savings
Car Allowances
Cell Phone Allowances
Kelly Pay Overtime (Fire Scheduled OT)
Premium Pay-Employees On-Call
Police Recruiting Reward
OPEB Liability
OPEB Expense
OPEB Contributions
2000-2999 Supplies and Materials
Office Supplies
i.e. paper, pens, scissors, in-trays, calendar refills, certificate stock,
desk & file keys, name plates, calculators, check stock and envelopes.
Data Processing Supplies
i.e. computer cables, toner, mouse pads, utility forms, printer ribbon,
PC Kits, flash drives, power adapters and IPAD accessories, etc.