Page 44 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 44

The  Chief  Financial  Of cer  and  Accounting  Manager  shall  issue  a  written  report  quarterly  to  the  Audit
            Committee  and  City  Council  concerning  the  City's  investment  transactions  for  the  preceding  quarter  and
            describing  in  detail  the  investment  position  of  the  City  as  of  the  end  of  the  quarter  indicating  the  market
            values  of  all  investments  held  during  the  quarter.  The  report  shall  list  for  each  investment  held  during  the
            quarter:  the  purchase  price  of  the  investment,  the  par  value  of  the  investment,  the  market  value  of  the
            investment at the beginning of the quarter, market value of the investment at the end of the quarter, and fully
            accrued  interest  for  the  period.  The  portfolio  shall  be  marked  to  market  monthly  and  market  pricing
            information  is  to  be  obtained  through  the  use  of  appropriate  external  third  party  software,  third  party
            safekeeping  service,  or  a  third  party  independent  pricing  service. This  report  shall  be  in  compliance  with
            provisions of the Public Funds Investment Act, as amended. The report shall be signed by the Chief Financial
            Of cer  and  Accounting  Manager,  as  the  investment  of cers  for  the  City,  and  state  its  compliance  with  the
            Public Funds Investment Act and adopted investment policy strategy. The quarterly investment reports must
            be reviewed annually by the City’s external audit  rm as a part of the City’s annual audit and reported to the
            City Council.

            Training Requirements

            In accordance with the Act (2256.005 and 2256.008), the Chief Financial Of cer and Accounting Manager shall
            attend 10 hours of investment training within 12 months of assuming duties and 8 hours not less than once in a
            twoyear period that begins on the  rst day of the City’s  scal year and consists of the two consecutive  scal
            years  after  that  date.  Both  the  Chief  Financial  Of cer  and  Accounting  Manager  shall  complete  ten  hours  of
            training every two years as required by the Public Funds Investment Act. This training may be obtained from
            the  following  sources:  North  Central  Texas  Council  of  Governments,  Government  Treasurer's  Organization  of
            Texas, Government Finance Of cer's of Texas, Texas Municipal League or the University of North Texas Center
            for  Professional  Development.  The  training  must  include  education  in  investment  controls,  security  risks,
            strategy risks, market risks, and any other topics as required by the Public Funds Investment Act.


            AGENCIES - Federal agency securities and/or Government-sponsored entities.

            BENCHMARK  –  A  comparative  base  for  measuring  the  performance  or  risk  tolerance  of  the  investment
            portfolio. A benchmark should represent a close correlation to the level of risk and the average duration of the
            portfolio’s investments.

            BROKER – A broker brings buyers and sellers together for a commission.

            CERTIFICATE  OF  DEPOSIT  –  A  time  deposit  with  a  speci c  maturity  evidenced  by  a  certi cate.  Large-
            denomination CD’s are typically negotiable.

            COLLATERAL  –  Securities,  evidence  of  deposit,  or  other  property  which  a  borrower  pledges  to  secure
            repayment of a loan. Also refers to securities pledged by a bank to secure deposits of public monies.

            DEALER – A dealer, as opposed to a broker, acts as a principal in all transactions, buying and selling for his own

            DELIVERY VERSUS PAYMENT – Delivery verses payment is the delivery of a security and there is an exchange of
            money after the delivery of the security.

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