Page 22 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
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Voluntary Library Fund
When voluntary contributions are made to the Library by citizens through their monthly utility bill, those contributions
are placed in the Voluntary Library Fund. Contributions are used primarily to support library activities. In scal year
2023 the Voluntary Library Fund will pay for all library material purchases and library program costs.
Voluntary Park Fund
When voluntary contributions are made by citizens for improvements to the park system through their monthly utility
bill, those contributions are placed in the Voluntary Park Fund. In scal year 2023 the Voluntary Park Fund will pay for
improvements to various parks and athletic elds. The Voluntary Park Fund will be an important funding source to
improvement projects identi ed in the recently updated Parks Master Plan.
Juvenile Case Manager Fund
The Juvenile Case Manager Fund receives revenues from the collection of the juvenile case manager fee imposed on
convictions on cases adjudicated in the court. This fund is used to account for staff, whose primary role is handling
juvenile defendants in terms of teen court dockets, all school violations including truancy, failure to attend school and
parental noncompliance violations, and mandatory classes for drug, tobacco and alcohol defendants, as permitted by
state statute.
Capital Projects Fund
This fund accounts for nancial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital projects – it is
a governmental fund type. The capital projects fund has no dedicated revenue source - any income received is from
transfers from the general fund, to set aside funding for capital projects that are often multi-year in nature and not
appropriate for an annual operating budget.
The City drafts rolling ve-year capital improvement plans (CIP) every year with the budget process. Several funds
house CIP-related expenditures, but the primary ones involved are the Capital Projects Fund and the TIF Fund. The
newly adopted CIP includes over $90 million in projects over its life, and it will be updated each year. With the City’s
emphasis on being debt-free, all projects are cash-funded.
Capital Equipment Replacement Fund
The capital equipment replacement fund is an internal service fund to account for funding for, and acquisition of, the
City's vehicles, maintenance equipment, and computer equipment. It is a governmental fund type and has no revenue
source other than transfers from other funds. The fund typically receives annual transfers and serves as a savings
account for vehicle and equipment replacement purchases.
Colleyville Tomorrow Fund
The Colleyville Tomorrow Fund is a capital projects fund used to account for proceeds received on gas leases on city-
owned property to be used for capital purchases. Funds may be allocated at the discretion of the City Council.
Parks Tomorrow Fund
The Parks Tomorrow Fund is a capital projects fund used to account for proceeds received on gas leases on city-owned
parks property for parks capital projects.
Park Land Dedication Fund
The Park Land Dedication Fund is used to account for the acquisition of land for new park sites and to make
improvements to or expand existing parks to better serve new development. Fees collected from platting of new
residential and commercial property funds the improvements.
The City is committed to ensuring that residents receive excellent value for their tax dollars, with which staff is able to
provide the programs, services, and infrastructure investment that form the foundation of the quality of life in
Colleyville. The scal year 2023 budget is presented with the commitment and con dence that it effectively funds
City of Colleyville | Budget Book 2023 Page 22