P. 37

2.  For every annual budget the City shall levy two property tax rates:
                       maintenance/operations (M&O)  and debt service (I&S).   The debt  service levy
                       shall be sufficient for meeting all principal and interest payments associated with
                       the City’s outstanding general obligation debt for that budget year.  The debt
                       service levy and related debt service expenditure shall be accounted for in the
                       Debt Service Fund.  The maintenance and operation levy shall be accounted for
                       in the General Fund.  The maintenance and operation levy shall not exceed the
                       no-new-revenue tax  rate  and the  de minimis  rate  as defined  by the  State of
                       Texas Property Tax Code unless deemed necessary by and adopted by a sixty
                       percent (60%) majority vote of the City Council.

                   3.  The City will maintain a policy of levying the lowest tax rate as is practical on the
                       broadest tax base.  Minimal exceptions will be provided to homeowners, senior
                       citizens, and disabled veterans.

                   4.  The City will establish user charges and fees at a level that attempts to recover
                       the full cost of providing the services.
                          a.  User fees, particularly utility rates, should identify the  relative costs of
                              serving different classes of customers.
                          b.  Where possible, utility rates should be designed to reduce peak (hour and
                              day) demands on the utility systems.
                          c.  The City will make every reasonable  effort to ensure accurate
                              measurement of  variable  impacting taxes and  fees (e.g. verification  of
                              business sales tax payments, verification  of appraisal  district property
                              values, and accuracy of water meters).

                   5.  The City will attempt  to maximize the application of its financial resources by
                       obtaining supplementary funding through  agreements with other public and
                       private agencies for the provision of public services or the construction of capital

                   6.  The City will consider market rates and charges levied by other public and private
                       organizations for similar services in establishing tax rates, fees and charges.

                   7.  When developing the  annual budget, the City Manager shall project revenues
                       from every source based  on actual collections  from the preceding year  and
                       estimated collection of the current fiscal  year, while taking into account known
                       circumstances which will impact revenues for the new fiscal year.  The revenue
                       projections for each fund should be made conservatively so that total actual fund
                       revenues exceeded budgeted projections.


                   1.  Operating  expenditures shall  be accounted, reported, and budgeted  for in the
                       following major categories:

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