Page 141 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 141

  Highways and streets provide
                        safe and effective vehicular                 WHAT IS A CAPITAL PROJECT?
                        access and efficient urban
                        traffic flow. This includes:      Capital projects are the individual action plans that make
                              New projects that will        up a CIP.  Capital projects are categorized into the
                               reduce future                  following groups:  Parks & Recreation, Facilities,
                               maintenance                         Transportation, Vehicles and Utilities.
                               requirements; and
                              Good streets and roadways to serve Town facilities.

                      Adequate water supply is available for existing neighborhoods, planned growth and
                        development of the Town.

                      Improvements for beautification and landscaping are conducted on arterials and highways,
                        facilities, etc.

                      The CIP is balanced for all types of Town assets.

                 The Town’s CIP prioritization strategy is to preserve, protect and plan.
                      Preserve the past by investing in the continued upgrade of town assets and infrastructure.
                      Protect the present with improvements and/or additions to facilities, roads, and capital
                      Plan for the future of the organization.

                                     PRESERVE              PROTECT              PLAN

                 The Town’s operating budget is directly affected by the CIP budget. CIP projects can often increase or
                 decrease costs.  CIP investments in technology or significant improvements to existing maintenance
                 intensive assets can reduce operating budget costs.   However, new facilities and land acquisitions
                 typically increase operating expenditures.

                 Operating costs are carefully considered in deciding which projects move forward in the CIP budget.
                 It is typically impossible to absorb many large increases in operating costs at once; therefore,
                 projects are planned to prevent shocks to operating budgets.  Several projects are currently included
                 in the adopted CIP and may have future impacts on the operating budget.

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