Page 285 - Southlake FY22 Budget
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                                     GEnErAL FUnD SUMMArY

        general fund

                                                           $ Increase /
                          2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2021 Amended  (Decrease)   % Increase/-  2022 Adopted  $ Increase /  % Increase/-
        Finance             1,363,969   1,530,920   1,533,920   3,000      0.2%     1,578,154    47,234      3.1%

        Municipal Court      701,641    771,980     774,180     2,200      0.3%       797,220    25,240      3.3%

        Teen Court           150,745    169,409     161,409    (8,000)     -4.7%      169,016     (393)     -0.2%

        Finance Total      $2,216,355   $2,472,309   $2,469,509   ($2,800)  -0.1%  $2,544,390   $72,081      2.9%

        Fire                9,152,392   9,748,872   10,038,523   289,651   3.0%     9,901,234   152,362      1.6%

        Police              6,379,445   7,442,895   7,159,645   (283,250)  -3.8%    7,621,868   178,973      2.4%

        Public Safety Support  1,438,994   1,512,464   1,565,214   52,750   3.5%    1,529,464    17,000      1.1%

        Public Safety Total  $16,970,831  $18,704,231   $18,763,382   $59,151   0.3%  $19,052,566   $348,335   1.9%

        Streets/Drainage    1,380,159   1,153,847   1,098,848   (54,999)   -4.8%    1,128,593   (25,254)    -2.2%

        Facility Maintenance  1,648,517   1,710,176   1,898,176   188,000   11.0%   1,769,222    59,046      3.5%

        Public Works Admin  1,519,257   1,795,633   1,861,533   65,900     3.7%     2,041,100   245,467     13.7%

        Public Works Total  $4,547,933   $4,659,656   $4,858,557   $198,901   4.3%  $4,938,915   $279,259    6.0%

        Building Inspections  1,096,482   1,211,183   1,205,183   (6,000)  -0.5%    1,170,606   (40,577)    -3.4%

        Planning            1,035,617   1,118,858   1,125,858   7,000      0.6%     1,175,810    56,952      5.1%

        Planning and Dev
        Total              $2,132,099   $2,330,041   $2,331,041   $1,000   0.0%    $2,346,416   $16,375      0.7%

        Development          150,029    261,406     209,206    (52,200)   -20.0%      257,995    (3,411)    -1.3%

        Economic Dev. Total  $150,029   $261,406   $209,206   ($52,200)   -20.0%     $257,995   ($3,411)    -1.3%

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