Page 89 - Saginaw FY22 Adopted Annual Budget
P. 89
To save 90% of the value of properties involved in a fire. 96.87% of the total estimated value of building properties was
saved (total est values $654,668 - total saved $634,168).
100% vehicle property was lost (total est value $104,490).
To maintain an all EMT-Paramedic level fire department 100% of all personnel are EMT-Paramedic level completing
staff. all training and continuing education requirements to maintain
EMT-P level certification.
To train firefighters in the latest methods of firefighting For 2020-2021 we had a combined total of 3,983 training
and EMS, provide and maintain the equipment hours for all 29 fire personnel covering multiple aspects of job
necessary for them to do their job and provide for the responsibilities and duties.
safety of firefighters.
Maintain the State recommended ratio of 1.5 firefighters
per 1,000 residents. 2020-21 ratio of shift firefighters per 1,000 residents slightly
decreased to 1.08. NCTCOG Est population 24,150
Maintain the national average of 1 fire station per Our current ratio is 1 fire station per 12, 075 residents.
10,000 in population. NCTCOG Est population 24,150
To attain an average emergency response time Our average response time for 2020-2021 was 5 minutes and
standard of four minutes within city limits. 7 seconds.
In 2006, we partnered with Tarrant County implementing a
County-wide Emergency Management Plan that is updated
Update Emergency Management Plan every five years.
annually or more frequently as needed. The plan is currently
undergoing review and revision.
Annually seek alternative sources of funding to maintain For 2020-2021 we were awarded a Tarrant County ESD grant
and/or increase service capabilities and utilize interlocal for equipment totaling $25,000. We also requested and
agreements to increase service capabilities with minimal received PPE (primarily mask and gowns) related to the
financial impact. COVID-19 pandemic through TDEM at no cost.
Test 100% of outdoor warning sirens monthly, upgrade We tested all 9 outdoor warning sirens once monthly for a
and add equipment as necessary to maintain needed total of 108 outdoor warning siren tests.
area coverage, reliability and functionality.
Complete plan reviews and fire inspections of new 100% of new business inspections were completed within two
businesses within two weeks. weeks for 2020-2021.
Provide and install free of charge, smoke alarms to Numerous smoke alarms or replacement batteries were
residents found to have non-working smoke alarms. provided and installed in 2020-2021. We also continue the
program in which responding personnel verify smoke alarm
presence and operation in all residential homes in which we
respond for any type of incident (situation permitting).
Reduce workers compensation claims by promoting We had two workers compensation claims for 2020-2021, one
safety on the job and promoting and implementing a of the two resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Shift
fitness and wellness program. personnel participated in 1,815 hours of physical fitness
training for 2020-2021. We also enhanced our annual fit for
duty and wellness physical in addition to adding an
emotional/psychological well-being component. All 30 FD
personnel successfully passed the enhanced fit for duty
wellness physical.