Page 70 - Pantego FY22 Operating Budget
P. 70


                       A  proprietary  fund  is  a  business-like  fund  of  a  state  or  local
                       government.  Proprietary funds include enterprise funds and internal

                       service funds.  Enterprise funds provide goods and/or services to the
                       general public for a fee.  Internal service funds account for goods and

                       services  provided  by  one  department  or  agency  to  another
                       department  or  agency  of  the  governmental  unit  on  a  cost
                       reimbursement basis.

                       Financial  transactions  are  reported  using  the  full  accrual  basis  of
                       accounting,  that  is  revenues  are  recognized  when  earned  and
                       expenses  are  recognized  when  incurred.  The  equity  accounts  in

                       proprietary funds are referred to as net position.

                       The Town of Pantego does not have internal service funds, however,
                       the Town does have one (1) Enterprise fund, the Water and Sewer

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