Page 121 - Pantego FY22 Operating Budget
P. 121


                      1.   Governmental funds report aggregate amounts of five classifications of fund balance
                         based on the constraints imposed on the use of these resources:

                         a.    Nonspendable. Includes amounts that cannot be spent because they are either
                              not spendable in form (such as prepaids or inventory) or are legally or
                              contractually required to be maintained intact (such as endowment funds).

                         b.   Restricted. Includes amounts restricted by external sources (such as creditors,
                              laws of other governments, etc.) or by constitutional provision or enabling

                         c.  Committed.  Includes amounts constrained to specific purposes by a government
                              itself, using its highest decision-making authority to be reported as committed.
                              Amounts cannot be used for any other purpose unless the government takes the
                              same highest-level action to remove or change the constraint (such as a Town
                              Ordinance or Resolution)

                         d.  Assigned. Includes amounts a government intends to use for a specific purpose;
                              intent can be expressed by the governing body or by an official or body to which
                              the governing body delegates authority.  The Town Council has the authority to
                              assign amounts for specific purposes.

                         e.   Unassigned.  All amounts not included in other spendable classification.

                       2. Ending fund balances of the Town shall be reported according to the following

                              DEBT SERVICE FUNDS:
                              400 Interest & Sinking Fund – Restricted

                              SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS:
                              800 Court Security Fund - Restricted
                              825 Court Technology Fund - Restricted
                              850 Pantego Fest – Restricted
                              875 Shamburger Fund – Restricted
                              880 Cartwright Library Fund – Restricted

                              CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS:
                              300 Capital Projects Fund – Committed
                              500 Street Improvement Construction Fund – Restricted

                       3. Order of expenditure -- When committed, assigned and unassigned resources can be
                         used for the same purpose, funds shall be spent in the sequence of committed
                         resources first, assigned second, and unassigned last.

                       4. When it is appropriate for fund balance to be assigned, the Council delegates that
                         authority to the Town Manager.

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