Page 324 - Project Detail Sheet_AdoptedBook
P. 324

ORDINANCE      NO.  3706

                       AN   ORDINANCE        OF   THE   CITY    COUNCIL     OF    THE   CITY    OF   NORTH
                       RICHLAND      HILLS,   TEXAS,   SETTING       THE    TAX    RATE;    LEVYING     AND
                       AND    SUPPORT      OF   THE   MUNICIPAL      GOVERNMENT         OF   THE   CITY   OF
                       NORTH     RICHLAND      HILLS,   TEXAS;   APPORTIONING          THE    LEVIES    FOR
                       SPECIFIC     PURPOSES;        PROVIDING      A   SEVERABILITY        CLAUSE      AND
                       PROVIDING     AN EFFECTIVE      DATE.

               WHEREAS,       the City of North Richland Hills is a home rule city acting under its charter
                              adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI,  Section 5 of the Texas
                              Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code;  and

               WHEREAS,       the City Manager of the City of North Richland Hills submitted a tax rate
                              proposal to the City Council prior to the beginning of the fiscal year,  and in
                              said tax rate proposal set forth the estimated necessary tax rate required
                              to provide adequate revenues for the general use and support of the
                              Municipal Government of the City of North Richland Hills;  and

               WHEREAS,       the City Council finds that all provisions pertaining to the adoption of an ad
                              valorem tax rate have been in all things complied with;  and

               WHEREAS,       A Public Hearing was held by the City Council for the City of North
                              Richland  Hills on August 12,  2021;  and

               WHEREAS,       after a full and final consideration,  the City Council is of the opinion that
                              the tax rate should be approved and adopted;  and

               WHEREAS,       the taxes have been levied in accordance with the adopted fiscal year
                              2022 budget as required by state law.

                NOW,  THEREFORE,        BE IT ORDAINED       BY THE    CITY COUNCIL,      CITY  OF NORTH
                RICHLAND     HILLS,  TEXAS,  THAT:

               SECTION     1.   There shall be and there is hereby levied and assessed and there shall be
                              collected for the tax year 2021 for the general use and support of the
                              Municipal Government of the City of North Richland Hills,  Texas a total ad
                              valorem   tax  of  Fifty-  Seven  and  Twenty- One   and   Eighty- Four Cents
                                0. 572184)    on  each  One  Hundred    Dollars  ($  100. 00)   of valuation  of

                              property —   real and  personal — within the corporate limits of City of North
                              Richland Hills,  Texas,  subject to taxation.   The assessment ratio shall be
                              One Hundred percent ( 100%).

               SECTION 2.  The taxes collected shall be apportioned for the use as follows:

               Ordinance  No.  3706
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