Page 203 - Project Detail Sheet_AdoptedBook
P. 203


                                            Parks & Recreation Capital Projects
                Department                                     Project Title                         Project Number
        Parks and Recreation                            Annual Tree Planting (2021)                       PK2101
                                                      Project Description
        This project provides for the introduction of trees into the urban forest and replacement of trees that have died at various locations
        throughout the City. The project involves the installation of 3" caliper, drought tolerant, native or adapted trees. Park facilities to
        receive trees includes Linda Spurlock Park, Walker's Creek Park and Iron Horse Golf Course. The project includes mitigation
        replacement of 20 trees removed during installation of a major sanitary sewer line. At Iron Horse Golf Course, 30 trees will be
        planted along the north side of Loop 820 to improve course aesthetics, also functioning to control trash/debris inundating the course
        from the highway.

                                                      Project Justification
        The urban forest is an important part of the City's landscape. It's made up of all the public trees in North Richland Hills. Trees add to
        the wellbeing of our community by moderating our local climate, filtering air pollutants, storing storm water and reducing run-off,
        raising  property values, and provides years of beauty and stress relief.
        This project allows for the continued maintenance and growth of our urban forest through the introduction of native or adapted trees
        at focusing on restoration of areas having undergone recent construction activities.
        Note: Project funding source is the Mitigation Proceeds/Parks Development Program Fund (Tree Mitigation).

        Project Schedule            Beginning Date   Ending Date        History          Fiscal Year   Amount
        Professional Services                                        Adopted Budget        2020-21        $83,000
        Engineering/Design                                               Total                            $83,000
        Land/ROW Acquisition
        Construction                     10/2020         09/2021
        Total Schedule                   10/2020         09/2021

        Sources of Funds             Appr. To Date  2021‐22 Budget  2022‐23 Estimate  2023‐Completion  Total Funding
        General Obligation Bonds
        Certificates of Obligation
        Federal/State Grants
        Sales Tax
        Other                             83,000              0                0               0          $83,000
        Total Funding                    $83,000             $0               $0              $0           $83,000

        Project Costs                  To Date    2021‐22 Budget  2022‐23 Estimate   2023‐Completion    Total Cost
        Professional Services
        Land/ROW Acquisition
        Construction                      83,000               0               0               0           $83,000
        Total Costs                      $83,000              $0              $0              $0           $83,000
        Operating Impact
        No operating impact is anticipated.

        Fiscal Year                2020‐21       2021‐22      2022‐23       2023‐24       2024‐25     Total Impact
        Amount                           $0            $0            $0            $0            $0           $0

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