Page 200 - City of Mansfield FY22 Operarting Budget
P. 200
The mission of the Planning Department is to create a desirable quality of life in Mansfield by facilitating
high-quality growth, development, and redevelopment through a focused common-sense approach to land
use planning, honoring our authentic past while planning for the future.
Services Provided
• Guide residents, developers, business owners and others through the development process.
• Receive and review plats and proposals for development to ensure consistency with adopted
codes, ordinances, regulations, and strategic plans.
Accomplishments in FY 2020-2021
• Launched commercial landscape inspections to protect the visual quality and appeal of
Mansfield’s business corridors and districts.
• Completed the draft D, Downtown District form-based regulations that advocate for a diverse mix
of uses while preserving the traditional development patterns that define the historic urban core.
FY 2021-2022 Goals and Objectives
1. Commence rezoning of Historic Downtown Mansfield and its immediate environs to the D, Downtown
• Introduce the D, Downtown District to business owners, residents, and others with a vested
interest in the economic and physical regeneration of the historic urban core at town hall meetings
and through engagement on multiple social media platforms.
• Rezone Historic Downtown Mansfield to the D, Downtown District.
• Explore potential opportunities for expansion of the D, Downtown District.
2. Update the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
• Commence and complete the request for proposal (RFP) process and select a quality consultant.
• Complete a draft document that captures the community’s vision for growth and development.
• Engage the community in the update process using traditional and non-traditional engagement
tools and techniques.
3. Continue to elevate development review processes for internal and external customers.
• Emphasize economic and physical outcomes that are pre-determined and increase value per acre.
• Expand elements of digital plan review and workflow.
• Design and follow schedules to provide predictable outcomes.
4. Deliver an architectural pattern book containing an integrated set of pre-determined physical outcomes
that will expedite the development review and approval process while honoring the rich architectural and
landscaping heritage of the City.
5. Evaluate and appropriately adjust land development ordinances and regulations to facilitate the highest
and best use of property.