Page 20 - City of Mansfield FY22 Operarting Budget
P. 20
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund
The Hotel/Motel Tax Fund budget is derived from tax revenue assessed on hotel rooms within the City of
Mansfield. Seven hotels are located within City limits with approximately 592 beds. The expected
revenue for FY 2021-2022 is $725,000. Occupancy tax collections were down in FY 2020 and FY 2021
due to Covid-19 but are expected to recover in FY 2022 with an upturn in travel.
No new staff was added in FY 2021-2022; however, half of the Director’s salary was distributed to the
General Fund, reducing the full-time equivalent positions from 2 to 1.5 in this fund.
Operations and Maintenance
Administration of the Convention and Visitor’s Bureau accounts for 54% of the Operations and
Maintenance costs in this fund. Approximately 19% will be allocated to various organizations who have
applied for supplemental funding to help run events that contribute to tourism and hotel stays in the City.
No transfers are budgeted in FY 2021-2022.
No new equipment is budgeted in FY 2021-2022.
No debt has been incurred in the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund.
Mansfield Park Facilities Development Corporation (MPFDC) Fund
The revenues for the MPFDC Fund in FY 2021-2022 are $10,010,797. Of this amount, $7,475,203 is
derived from a ½ cent sales tax approved by the voters in 1992. Other revenue comes from user fees,
including recreational classes and rental fees, and contract lease payments from Big League Dreams,
Hawaiian Falls Water Park, Fieldhouse USA, Mansfield National Golf Course, and the Star Center.
One full-time position and one part-time position were added in FY 2021-2022.
Operations and Maintenance
The operating budget went up 8.98% in FY 2021-2022 due to ground maintenance supplies and contracts.
Approximately $18,000 is budgeted for the MPFDC portion of property insurance coverage.
$157,870 in new equipment is budgeted in FY 2021-2022.
The debt service payment in the Mansfield Park Facilities Development Corporation is $3,157,861.