Page 194 - City of Mansfield FY22 Operarting Budget
P. 194
Services Provided
• Manages and staffs the Emergency Operations Center.
• Handles disaster reimbursements.
• Oversees CERT team volunteer group.
• Tracked and filed Tier 2 reports.
Accomplishments in FY 2020-2021
• Integrated software to enhance emergency response and disaster management.
• Successfully obtained reimbursement funding from the CARES Act.
• Tracked and obtained reimbursement for personnel deployed to state and federal disasters.
FY 2021-2022 Goals & Objectives
1. Upgrade EOC capabilities.
• Purchase and add a media wall.
• Purchase and add laptops and copier.
• Purchase IGAN System and more Rhodium licenses.
2. Develop a multi-year disaster exercise plan.
• Identify disasters to exercise.
• Develop and implement disaster scripts.
• Determine the participants and extent of disaster exercises.
3. Complete the City’s five-year update to the disaster plan.
• Update two annexes per month with state approval.
• Update the base disaster plan.
• Submit plan for Mayor and Council approval.
Performance Measures
Actual Actual Budget Budget
Emergency Management 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022
Disaster Declarations 0 0 0 0
Code Red notification launches 5 5 5 5
Weather Warning Notification Launch 86 86 90 90
Exercises Participated 3 3 3 3
Emergency Management Plan Updates 0 0 12 12
Average Cost per Citizen $3.54 $3.29 $2.93 $3.11
EOC Activations 20 20 15 15
Severe Weather Deaths 0 0 0 0