Page 75 - City of Kennedale Adopted Budget FY22
P. 75


               The Kennedale Police Department is a value-driven professional organization dedicated to
               building a quality of life community through mutual trust, leadership, integrity, excellence,
               personalized service, and customer relationships.

                H I G H L I G H T S   A N D   G O A L S   A C C O M P L I S H E D
                   ▪  Successfully renewed Recognized Department status as a Best Practices Agency by the
                       Texas Police Chiefs Association (TPCA) (2012-2024)
                   ▪  Continued providing increased services to residents through a combined dispatch and jail
                       agreement with the City of Mansfield
                   ▪  Continued participation in a task force dealing with auto theft and burglary investigations
                       using a grant with the Mansfield Police Department
                   ▪  Continuation of the School Resource Officer (SRO) program to increase campus safety
                          o  Coordinate daily with the district’s Safety and Security Director
                          o  Conduct active shooter training for district personnel each year
                          o  Kennedale Youth Police Academy
                          o  National Night Out
                   ▪  Continued use of reserve officers (primarily for non-patrol functions including Criminal
                       Investigations Division (CID), recognition program, and annual reporting
                   ▪  Use of grants to fund major technology improvements
                          o  Federal ballistic vest partnership (Ongoing)
                          o  Radar Trailer/Message Board (2018)
                          o  Upgraded mobile in-car radios to next generation (2019)
                          o  Equipped all uniformed and investigative officers with body cameras (2020)
                          o  Received $98,090 firearms simulator for training (2021)
                          o  In-house instructors in high-liability areas such as firearms, active shooter, and
                              less-lethal options
                          o  Firearms training conducted every 60 to 90 days
                          o  Six mental health peace officers on staff
                   ▪  Successfully funded out of budget to reconfigure office space and increase the size of the
                       male locker room to accommodate growth
                   ▪  Replaced lockers in both male and female locker rooms

                S H O R T - T E R M   G O A L S
                   ▪  Continue sending command and supervisory staff to the Developing Leaders for Texas
                       Law Enforcement leadership training
                   ▪  Continue to identify and apply for grants for equipment and positions that enhance the
                       department's ability to deliver varied and high-quality services
                   ▪  Work to maintain Recognized status through the TPCA Foundation
                   ▪  Prepare a five-year plan for department growth and needs assessment
                   ▪  Activities that allow us to partner with our community and increase understanding
                          o  Conduct the first Kennedale Citizens Police Academy

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