Page 14 - City of Kennedale Adopted Budget FY22
P. 14


               This budget is the culmination of several months of work by the City’s Leadership Team as they seek to
               best serve the public while also applying policy preferences expressed by the City Council. Each
               department evaluates services provided against what is expected from citizens and other stakeholders.
               Further, existing expenditures and program outcomes are evaluated for cost effectiveness and,
               specifically, potential cost savings. Each Director reviews their budget proposal with the Finance Office
               and with the City Manager before departmental budgets are evaluated for inclusion in the Program of
               Services to be considered by the City Council. Additionally, new or expanded programs or staffing are

               evaluated and recommended, as appropriate.

               As the Council is aware, intervening actions were taken in FY20 and FY21 to recover the general fund
               balance to acceptable levels following the 2019 Standard & Poor’s (S&P) outlook from “stable” to

               “negative”. These actions combined with CARES Act funding have, in fact, resulted in a projected ending
               General Fund balance for FY21 of approximately 20.3% (rather than the budgeted 8.3%) of annual
               expenditures; and staff continues to monitor this situation closely as we are aware that the Council has
               expressed some interest in a potential GO issuance.

               To balance the tax burden upon our citizens against the necessity of maintaining a bond rating necessary
               to secure debt at more desirable rates, this budget, as proposed, is supported by the adoption of a flat
               tax rate. This is the minimum tax rate that would allow for continued provision of comprehensive
               municipal services, a projected end of year General Fund balance of 11.1% and allow for the continuation
               of public safety step plans as well as offer a minimal “cost-of-living” salary adjustment for civilian staff.

                T A X   R A T E   C A L C U L A T I O N S
                2020 Total Tax Rate              $0.774085          ELEMENTS OF THE AD
                M&O Rate                         $0.582686
                Debt Service Rate                $0.191399          VALOREM (PROPERTY) TAX

                2020 No-New-Revenue              $0.756350          RATE
                (“Effective”) Tax Rate (NNR)
                                                                    Maintenance and Operations (M&O)
                2020 Voter-Approval              $0.783057          The portion of the tax rate that supports
                (“Rollback”) Tax Rate (VATR)
                                                                    ongoing General Fund operations
                2021 Proposed Tax Rate           $0.774085
                M&O Rate                         $0.582949          Interest and Sinking (I&S) or Debt Service
                Debt Service Rate                $0.191136          The portion of the tax rate that supports

                                                                    payments on debt for general government
                A V A I L A B L E   E X E M P T I O N S             (not utility) improvements
                 Over 65                          $60,000
                 Disabled Person                  $60,000
                                                                    Total Tax Rate = M&O + I&S

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