Page 132 - City of Kennedale Adopted Budget FY22
P. 132

DEPARTMENT OUTLINE: streets and park maintenance
               The function of the Streets Department is to sustain and optimize the structural life of the City’s roadways
               in the most effective manner, to provide preventive maintenance to existing concrete and asphalt streets,
               and to develop capital projects for major street construction. The function of the Parks Department is to
               provide quality parks, open spaces, and trails to enhance the quality of life for the residents we serve.

                H I G H L I G H T S   A N D   G O A L S   A C C O M P L I S H E D
                   ▪   Promoting safety protocols for staff and residents during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic

                   ▪   Wood fiber replacement in playground areas and park drainage improvements
                   ▪   Developed and presented to Council prioritized street projects for a potential debt issuance

                S H O R T - T E R M   G O A L S
                   ▪   Continued partnership with Tarrant County Precinct 2 for street maintenance and rebuilding
                   ▪   Update Public Works Manual to current standards to include safe distancing

                   ▪   Continue to explore efficiencies in right-of-way (ROW) maintenance
                   ▪   Obtain software to document public projects and inventory

                   ▪   Continued monitoring and inspection of roadways for needed maintenance and repairs
                   ▪   Continued systematic replacement of street signage

                   ▪   Develop and implement a Street Maintenance Fee to fund maintenance and capital projects
                   ▪   Complete a Tree Inventory with the State Forester
                   ▪   Acquire parkland on Hudson Village Road

                   ▪   Establish and maintain a partnership with a Foundation to hold land for future parks

                L O N G - T E R M   G O A L S
                   ▪   Utilize the Asset Management Plan (AMP) to prioritize streets and parks projects

                   ▪   Secure legislative option for transportation funding
                   ▪   Develop a water, wastewater, stormwater and street coordinated replacement plan

                   ▪   Develop strategies to fund and develop new parks and amenities
                   ▪   Restoration and development of Village Creek Park

                   ▪   Develop linear park system and hike and bike trail
                S T A F F I N G   R E S O U R C E S
                   ▪   Public Works Director – 1.0 FTE
                   ▪   Streets and Parks Manager – 1.0 FTE

                   ▪   Streets Field Worker – 5.0 FTE

                   ▪   Temp Worker – 2.9 FTE
                   ▪   Administrative Assistant – 0.5 FTE

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