Page 107 - City of Kennedale Adopted Budget FY22
P. 107

                R E V E N U E S
               The 2021-2022 Water/Sewer Fund Budget includes $4,521,797 in revenues, which is represents a 1.2%
               decrease from prior year. The City has completed negotiations with the City of Arlington for Operations
               and Maintenance of Water and Sewer. The primary source of revenue for the Water/Sewer Budget is
               charges for services, which accounts for 95% of all revenue.

                       W A T E R   D I S T R I B U T I O N   S U M M A R Y
                                          SOURCE: 2015 ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN | WWW.CITYOFKENNEDALE.COM/GOVDOCS

                W H A T   D O E S   T H E   C I T Y   O W N ?
               The City of Kennedale is responsible for the following water distribution system inventory which includes
               approximately 48 miles of water mains:

                W H A T   I S   T H E   V A L U E   O F   T H E   W A T E R   D I S T R I B U T I O N   S Y S T E M ?
               The estimated replacement value of the water distribution system (in 2015 dollars) is approximately $24

               Million. The cost per household for the water distribution system is $10,851 based on the number of
               households in FY2015.

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