Page 101 - City of Kennedale Adopted Budget FY22
P. 101


               The function of this department is to identify, prevent, and abate stormwater issues.

                H I G H L I G H T S   A N D   G O A L S   A C C O M P L I S H E D
                   ▪  Achieved Silver iSWM Certification through North Central Texas Council of
                   ▪  Submitted year four of the City’s Stormwater Permit to TCEQ

                S H O R T - T E R M   G O A L S
                   ▪  Complete Stormwater/Drainage Master Plan
                   ▪  Utilize the Stormwater Utility Fund to fund stormwater improvement projects
                   ▪  Utilize the Creek Geomorphology study to establish design and priority guidelines for
                       erosion issues along creek banks within the city
                   ▪  Continue ditch cleaning program with Tarrant County

                L O N G - T E R M   G O A L S
                   ▪  Develop tools and policies that reduce flood damage and flood risk to residents and
                       buildings along Village Creek and its tributaries

                S T A F F I N G   R E S O U R C E S
                   ▪  0.666 FTE

                W H A T   D O E S   T H E   C I T Y   O W N ?
               The inventory components of the stormwater drainage system are outlined in the table (at left). The entire
               system consists of approximately 3.7 miles of stormwater mains.

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