Page 421 - Microsoft Word - FY 2021 tax info sheet
P. 421
Sec. 8 – Water and Sanitary Sewer Fees
After Hours Turn On $50 per incident
Customer Deposit $80 residential meter
Multi‐family and non‐residential meter deposits based on estimated
customer usage for a one month period.
Fire hydrant meter rental deposit based on actual replacement cost.
Master Deposit $80 – residential only
Delinquent Account Deposit Applies to customers that have had their service disconnected for failure to
pay or non‐sufficient funds – new deposit not to exceed an amount equal to
double the estimated average monthly bill for said customer.
Cleaning Deposit One time deposit of $20 for ten consecutive days of water meter usage.
Deposit applied to final billing.
Late Utility Payment Fee 10% of outstanding balance.
Damaged/Broken Lock $100 each per incident.
Meter Testing $50 each per incident for meters 1” and less.
Meters 1 ½” and larger, fee shall be the actual cost of testing and the actual
cost of installation and removal. If meter test shows it is registering more
water than actually going through the meter, the fee is refunded.
Water Reconnect Fee $25 each per incident.
Account Activation Fee $15 each
Account Transfer Fee $15 each
Damaged meter, transponder, meter box and lid Actual cost for replacement and/or repair to include time and materials.
Sec. 9 – Finance
Auction Item Storage Fee The Buyer will be charged a $25.00 per day/per LOT storage fee after the
final removal day. This fee will be collected from the Buyer at the time of
pick up.