Page 395 - Microsoft Word - FY 2021 tax info sheet
P. 395

Section 9:        THAT,  the  taxes  are  hereby  assessed  and  levied  and  are  due  and
                                 payable on October 1, 2021  and shall be payable not later than January
                                 31 , 2022.  The penalties and interest provided for shall accrue after this
                                 date.  However,  if the entire taxes due are paid  in full  by January 31 ,
                                 2022, no penalty or interest shall be due.

               Section 10:       THAT, in addition to the taxes assessed and levied herein, there is also
                                 assessed and levied a penalty for the failure to pay taxes due as State
                                 law provides.

               Section 11:       THAT, in  addition to the taxes and penalty and  interest assessed and
                                 levied herein, there is also assessed and levied a twenty percent (20%)
                                 collection  fee  on  all  taxes,  and  penalty,  and  interest  that  become
                                 delinquent and remain unpaid on July 1, 2022.

               Section 12:       THAT, this Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from
                                 and after its passage.

               AND IT IS SO ORDAINED.

               Passed and approved by a vote of 6 to 0 on this the 21st day of September, 2021 .

                                                                 CITY OF KELLER, TEXAS

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                                                                 BY:      ~~dP---ยท~-------
                                                                      Armin R.  Mizani, Mayor


               Approved as to Form and Legality:

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               L. Stanton Lowry, City Attorney

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