Page 182 - Microsoft Word - FY 2021 tax info sheet
P. 182

                     ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS DIVISION (100-50-502)

             The Engineering & Inspections Division of the Public Works Department is responsible for plan review, project management,
             inspection, project delivery and closeout of public and private water, sewer, street and drainage projects.

             1.  Provide plan review and construction management for cost-effective infrastructure improvements.
             2. Provide Development Plan Review Services for public/private project compliance with the UDC and current adopted
             engineering standards within 5 working days.
             3. Provide Construction Plan Review Services for public/private project compliance with the UDC and current engineering
             standards within 10 working days.
             4.  Provide timely technical/investigative assistance to customers and stakeholders.
             5.  Maintain reliable Public Works related asset infrastructure data using the city's mapping system.
             6.  Keep current all design and construction standards and specifications and updated as needed.
             7.  Provide professional inspection services for all water, sewer, street and drainage construction.
             8.  Educate citizens, builders, developers and City staff regarding drainage issues and inspection goals.
             9.  Provide continuing education opportunities to staff.

             1. Recruit and train new staff.
             2. Develop and implement the use of a comprehensive development and construction plan review checklist.
             3. Create a continuously updated Project Status Dashboard.
             4. Integrate Parks project management into overall project management.

                                                                                        FY 2021-22
                                                 FY 2019-20    FY 2020-21   FY 2020-21    Adopted
             SERVICES PROVIDED                     Actual       Budget       YE Proj.     Budget
             Construction plans reviewed             20           20           30           25
             Projects Managed                        20           30           30           25
             Development plans reviewed             175           200          125          200
             Project inspections conducted         6,800         7,000        6,500        7,000
             Residential inspections conducted     2,200         2,400        2,000        2,400
             Customer services requests completed  4,000         4,200        3,900        4,500
             Capital Projects Budget                 18       New Measure       7           10
             Capital Projects Completed              4        New Measure       5            5

             % of Capital Improvement Projects       25       New Measure      20           40
             completed on time
             % of Capital Improvement Projects       50       New Measure      100          80
             completed on/under budget vs. intial
             % of construction plans reviewed within 10   100     100          100          100
             % of development plans reviewed within 5   100       100          100          100

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