Page 76 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 76

         Consolidated Budget Fund Summaries

         Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance

                                               GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS                      HALF-CENT FUNDS
                                         DEBT SERVICE   SPECIAL REVENUE   IMPROVEMENT   COMMUNITY
                            GENERAL FUND    FUND         FUNDS         FUNDS        SERVICES   ANTI-CRIME  SUBTOTAL
         BEGINNING FUND BALANCE   9,369,398      388,928      3,345,977   18,291,659                    4,620,610               6,864,531            42,881,104


             Ad Valorem Taxes                  17,018,541  3,890,025                                                20,908,566
             Sales and Use Taxes                    8,772,509  539,300                  5,025,000  4,966,710             19,303,519
             Franchise and Other Taxes  2,515,000               56,500                                                 2,571,500
             Fines and Forfeitures  760,580                    132,000                                                    892,580
             Impact Fees                                                                                           -
             Licenses, Permits & Fees  896,100                                                                            896,100
             Charges for Service                    1,811,200                                                          1,811,200
             Intergovernmental     272,491                     306,908                                                    579,399
             Intragovernmental    5,394,604                                                                            5,394,604
             Interest Earnings      75,000      10,000                        25,000     20,000      25,000                  155,000
             Debt Proceeds                                                                                       -
             Miscellaneous         419,055                                               275,000                          694,055
         TOTAL REVENUES                     37,935,080                   3,900,025  1,034,708    25,000                    5,320,000               4,991,710             53,206,523

         TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE                  47,304,478                   4,288,953    4,380,685    18,316,659                    9,940,610             11,856,241             96,087,627
             General Government                    5,014,247    30,024      7,534,938                                 12,579,209
             Public Safety                  20,438,928         545,845                                      4,991,710             25,976,483
             Community Services                    1,580,271                                                           1,580,271
             Public Works                     3,081,746                                                                3,081,746

             Culture and Recreation                    7,819,888    617,700                          3,692,288             12,129,876
             Utilities               -                                                                           -
             Debt Service            -                      3,619,015    723,400                     1,223,483                5,565,898
         TOTAL EXPENDITURES                  37,935,080                   3,619,015    1,916,969    7,534,938                    4,915,771               4,991,710             60,913,483

         NET INCOME/(LOSS)           -         281,010       (882,261)      (7,509,938)    404,229    -                (7,706,960)
         ENDING FUND BALANCE                    9,369,398    669,938    2,463,716    10,781,721                    5,024,839               6,864,531             35,174,144
                                       Change in Fund Balance Explination

           1. Debt Service Fund - Change in more than 10 percent of the Debt Service Fund Fund Balance
              stems from the annual addition of Ad Valorem Taxes to pay for the Debt Service. The amount
              rolling over per year is from Interest Earnings and savings from higher than expected tax col-
           2. Special Reveue Funds - The Red Light Camera Fund is no longer taking in revenue due to a
              state law making red light cameras unavaliable to municipalities. This fund is paying out ex-
              penditures and not taking in revenue. This accounts for a large portion of the fund balance
              being over 10 percent.
           3. Capital Improvement Funds - The large project undertaken this year, the new Animal Service
              Center, was paid for with bonds. The city has not requested any additional bonds at this time.
              The fund balance is over the 10 percent mark due to a lack of revenue coming into this fund
              at this time.

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