Page 45 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 45
B y developing a new, comprehensive strategic plan in 2017 and reaffirming the plan in 2018, 2019 and 2021,
council provided direction to staff on the outcomes they hope to achieve over the next few years. It serves as
the primary management tool to connect decision making and work plans to council's vision and to share with the
public the city's vision for the community.
Staff made great progress using the new strategic plan in 2018 and continued that momentum over the years.
Under council's direction, in FY 2020 & FY 2021, the new Hurst Animal Services and Adoption Center was
constructed and opened, along with the new dog park. Additionally, we invested in critical Fire/EMS equipment,
increased investments in streets, continued redevelopment efforts, and increased our neighborhood services.
Priorities for FY 2022 include continued focus on public safety, beautification efforts, including the purchase of a
street sweeper and focus on community appearance, and continued street repair and improvements. You can find
the detailed divisional work plans in the FY 2022 budget and see how each division used the strategic plan to
develop their annual work plans and budget.
For more information about our budget, please visit /budget.