Page 365 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 365


              Hurst Profile - A document that is available from the Office of Economic Development that compiles
              information and statistics, which provides a comprehensive profile of the City of Hurst.
              Infrastructure - The underlying permanent foundation or basic framework.

              Interest Earnings - The earnings from available funds invested during the year in U.S. Treasury Bonds,
              Government agencies, and Certificates of Deposits.

              Intergovernmental Revenues - Revenues from other governments in the form of grants, entitlements,
              shared revenues or payments in lieu of taxes.

              Internal Service Funds - Funds established to finance and account for services and commodities
              furnished by a designated department to other departments within a single governmental unit or to
              other governmental units.  Amounts expended by the fund are restored thereto, either from operating
              earnings or by transfers from other funds, so that the original fund capital is kept intact.

              Investments - Securities, bonds, and real property (land or buildings) held for the production of
              revenues in the form of interest, dividends, rentals or lease payments.  The term does not include
              fixed assets used in the normal course of governmental operations.

              Liabilities - Debts or other legal obligations arising out of transactions in the past, which must be
              liquidated, renewed or refunded at some future date.

              Line Items - Expenditure classifications established to account for approved appropriations.  Line
              Item budgets for all departments are available upon request in the Fiscal Services Department.

              Long-Term Debt - Unmatured debt of a government expected to be repaid from government funds.  An
              average repayment schedule is 20 years.

              M&O – Maintenance and Operations

              Maintenance - All materials or contract expenditures covering repair and upkeep of City buildings,
              machinery and equipment, systems, and land.
              Major Fund – Governmental Fund or enterprise fund reported as a separate column in the basic fund
              financial statements and subject to a separate opinion in the independent auditor’s report.

              Materials and Supplies  -  Expendable materials and operating supplies necessary to  conduct
              departmental activity.

              Modified Accrual  Accounting - A basis of accounting in which revenues  are  recognized  in  the
              accounting period when they become available and measurable.  Expenditures are recognized in the
              accounting period in which the fund liability is incurred.

              Motor Pool - Includes all City vehicles and tracks operational and maintenance costs to individual

              Multi Year Financial Overview - A financial overview with three years of history and five years of
              projections for all operating funds is presented in July prior to City Council budget workshop in

              NCTCOG or COG – North Central Texas Council of Governments, is a voluntary association of, by and
              for local governments, established to assist local governments in planning for common needs,
              cooperating for mutual benefit, and coordinating for sound regional development.

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