Page 355 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 355

                Loll Ifie                                                           i

                WHEREAS,        the City Council has been advised by its staff that it is necessary
                                to raise water and wastewater rates in order to insure the fiscal
                                integrity of the utility system;  and

                WHEREAS,        the City Council finds that the rates herein promulgated are no
                                more than what is required in order to preserve such fiscal

                NOW, •                             ORDAINED                           COUNCIL OF
                CITY OF ,

                Section 1:    That   Section    26- 22( 1)   of  the   Hurst   Code    of Ordinances      be
                              amended to read as follows:

                               Section 26- 22.  Rates established for water.

                              The following      monthly    rates   shall   be  charged     by the    water
                              department for water:

                               1)    Inside city limits—Single- family and commercial rates:

                                     a.     First 2, 000 gallons ( minimum charge) $            18. 23

                                     b.     All over 2, 000 gallons,  per 1, 000 gallons $ 7. 32

                                     C.     For commercial accounts only an additional minimum
                                            base charge is added as follows:
                                                   i.  Meter Sizes of 1 inch or smaller $       2. 00
                                                   ii.  Meter Sizes greater than 1 inch $       7. 00

               Section 2:     That Section 26- 60( 1)  and ( 2)  of the Hurst Code of Ordinances be
                              amended to read as follows:

                               Section 26- 60.    Rates for Service Inside City Limits.

                              The following schedules of rates per month,  or fraction thereof,
                              shall  be   the  basis for determining         charges    to  customers     as
                              specified for rendering wastewater service,  where the wastewater
                              produced by such customer is normal sewage and where such
                              customer is located within the City:

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