Page 282 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 282


             Mission Statement

                   he Parks Division is dedicated to providing Hurst citizens with superior

             T parks and recreational facilities through modern and conscientious de-

             sign and development, and safe maintenance and operational programs.

              Prior Year Results                                      Future Initiatives

          h   Implemented City-wide landscape improve-             ’   Complete Animal Shelter Landscape and

              ments.                                                  Dog Park Development.

          h   Initiated updated facility utilization contracts     ’   Implement Maintenance Management
              with youth sport associations.                          Software.

          h   Implemented tournament policies for youth            ’   Continued playground Maintenance and

              athletic complexes.                                     Renovation program.

          h   Park projects delayed indefinitely due to            ’   Re-absorption of Highway 10, Phase 4 medi-
              COVID-19.                                               ans into maintenance cycle.

          h   Began Animal Shelter Landscape and Dog               ’   Re-bid of maintenance contracts including:

              Park Project.                                           mowing, irrigation, and chemicals.

          h   Re-absorbed Highway 10, Phase 3 medians              ’   Continue to monitor facility utilization
              into maintenance cycle.                                 agreements.

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