Page 219 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 219
Mission Statement
o provide the highest quality, most comprehensive building inspections
T possible to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public with re-
gard to our existing and proposed structures and improvements through the
enforcement of our adopted codes and amendments, and being committed
to a standard of professional behavior that exemplifies the highest ideals
and principles of ethical conduct.
Prior Year Results Future Initiatives
h Conducted 304 Certificate of Occupancy Update the Zoning ordinance and codes to
inspections for 172 issued CO’s including Take promote more community activities and
5 Oil Change and Shoe Carnival. regulate desirable businesses in Hurst.
h Permitted 14 new single-family homes. Continue to strengthen the Multi-Family
h Implemented Energov software for permit- Licensing and Inspection program, by coor-
ting including full transition to digital plan dinating even more with the Police Depart-
review and online payments. ment’s Crime-Free Multi-Family program.
h Staff has scanned nearly ¾ of historical build- Finalize the document imaging project
ing plans in City Hall basement, which have a where we have worked on scanning thou-
permanent retention schedule and are need- sands of pages of building plans, expediting
ed for requests for public information. requests for public information, that are
h Staff modified business processes throughout frequently associated with redevelopment
the year for pandemic safety. efforts.
h Successfully navigated COVID-19 pandemic
and its effects on operational procedures