Page 11 - Haltom City FY 22 Budget
P. 11
August 30, 2021
To the Honorable Mayor An Truong and Members of the City Council
Re: The Adopted Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
Let me begin by expressing a sincere appreciation for each of you for being willing to serve in such a
capacity for the betterment of our beloved community. On behalf of our staff, we are grateful for your
support, direction, and collaboration to making Haltom City a place where business prospers and families
I also want to give recognition to our staff for the many months of hard and tedious work preparing
this approved or adopted budget. We have continued our focus on conservative fiscal management and
commitment to the Council’s Value Statements of dependability, integrity, responsiveness, respectfulness,
and accountability.
As I have communicated in recent budget workshops, we have been very fortunate or blessed during
COVID and post COVID as it relates to our municipal budget. Due to the COVID crisis we projected and
stayed budgetarily flat with numerous significant budget cuts and a hiring freeze to increase our reserves
and prepare for uncertainty during COVID. Fortunately, our revenues maintained during the COVID
pandemic and even increased post COVID shutdowns.
Additionally, we experienced record economic growth over the past two years. Three factors culminated
that allows us to return to normal operating levels along with making needed and necessary improvements
related to equipment replacements and staff compensation.
These three factors are:
• Increased reserves due to fiscal responsibility.
• Revenues maintaining and increasing.
• Record economic growth.