Page 235 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
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Enterprise Funds

            Enterprise Fund Statement

            FUND SUMMARY

                                           FY2020       FY2021      FY2021      FY2022    Change from Adopted
                                            Final      Adopted     Adjusted     Adopted     Amount       %
            License & Permits               1,069,458   1,430,391   1,430,391    1,430,931        540    0.04%
            Charge for Service            576,291,988   564,794,387   575,424,387   584,595,245   19,800,858   3.51%
            Use of Money & Property        15,348,812   12,002,654   12,002,654   14,322,777   2,320,123   19.33%
            Other                          12,706,177   12,288,152   12,288,152   12,445,988   157,836   1.28%
            Transfer In                     4,242,227   19,826,247   21,421,247   20,218,279   392,032   1.98%
            Total Revenues                609,658,661   610,341,831   622,566,831   633,013,220   22,671,389   3.71%

            Use of Fund Balance                   -            -     7,941,047   2,928,095   2,928,095   0.00%

            Salaries & Benefits            99,648,899   103,000,193   102,260,193   107,835,303   4,835,110   4.69%
            Gen Operating & Maintenance   246,274,496   268,553,866   272,620,154   269,544,263   990,397   0.37%
            Debt Service Accts              2,433,157   1,767,313   2,817,313    1,773,714      6,401    0.36%
            Transfer Out                  242,058,967   236,467,878   252,341,510   252,172,735   15,704,857   6.64%
            Total Expenses                590,415,518   609,789,250   630,039,170   631,326,015   21,536,765   3.53%

            Contribution to Fund Balance          -       552,581     468,707    4,615,300   4,062,719  735.23%

            Revenues Over(Under) Expenses  $  19,243,143    $              -      $              -      $              -      $              -     0%


            Enterprise funds provide direct deliverables to customers who receive goods or services in exchange for payment.
            The City charges rates for these services and deposits the revenue into separate operating funds.  This revenue
            pays for the delivery of each service or product.  Each operation is intended to be a self-supporting business,
            therefore employing the enterprise financial model.  The City currently operates five funds on this basis:  Water
            and Sewer, Municipal Airports, Municipal Parking, Stormwater Utility, and Solid Waste.

            The Municipal Airports Fund supports the operations of Alliance, Meacham, and Spinks Airports through the
            collection of revenue primarily generated by land and terminal building leases, as well as landing fees, hangar
            rental, and fuel flowage.

            The Municipal Parking Fund is managed by the Transportation and Public Works Department and maintains six
            parking garages, twenty surface lots, and more than 3,000 metered spaces.  Revenues are generated from fees
            charged to users of those surface lots, garages, and street metered parking spaces, the lease of office and retail
            space, and fines collected from parking ordinance violations.  Operations are financed from these revenues and
            debt is issued for large capital projects.

            The Solid Waste Fund is responsible for the collection of refuse and recycling throughout the city.  Operations are
            financed  by  monthly  residential  refuse  collection  rates,  service  charges  for  special  bulk/brush  collection,
            residential recycling rates, and other miscellaneous fees.  These comprehensive solid waste service charges are
            collected from residents through a monthly fee added to their water bill.

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