Page 220 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 220
Public Improvement District Fund
PID #20 – East Lancaster Avenue
Change from
FY2020 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
FY2021 Adopted
Final Adopted Adjusted Adopted Amount %
Other Tax - - 256,457 - - 0.00%
Use of Money & Property 2,686 - - - - 0.00%
Other 251,972 256,457 - 257,384 927 0.36%
Use of Fund Balance - - 36,000 24,000 24,000 0.00%
Revenue $ 254,658 $ 256,457 $ 292,457 $ 281,384 $ 24,927 9.72%
Gen Operating & Maintenance 178,234 251,328 287,328 276,236 24,908 9.91%
Transfer Out & Other 4,915 5,129 5,129 5,148 19 0.37%
Expenses $ 183,149 $ 256,457 $ 292,457 $ 281,384 $ 24,927 9.72%
Public Improvement District (PID) #20 - East Lancaster was established on February 12, 2019, for a period of 10
years and will expire on September 30, 2029. It is approximately 243 acres of land generally described as: All
properties fronting onto East Lancaster Avenue starting from the east curb of Riverside Drive eastward to the
western edge of Interstate Loop 820, including properties in and parallel to the addresses in the 1800 to 6000
blocks of East Lancaster Avenue. Services to be provided by the PID include landscaping, security enhancements,
lighting, and various other streetscape and capital improvements.
The funds are utilized primarily for security services and administration. Required reserves for the fund will also
be established within the initial year of operation.
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