Page 95 - Forest Hill FY22 Annual Budget
P. 95

ForejHill                               CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS

           The City accounts for the acquisition and construction of capital assets in the Capital Projects Fund. As a
           governmental fund, the Capital Projects Fund is budgeted and accounted for on a modified accrual basis.

           Definition of a capital project - a capital asset expected to have a useful life greater than two years and an
           estimated cost of $5,000 or more. Capital projects include:

               •     Construction, purchase, or major renovation of buildings, utility system, streets, intersections, or

                     other structures;
               •      Purchase of land or land rights and major landscaping projects;
               •     Any engineering study or master plan needed for the delivery of a capital project;
               •     Any major repair, renovation or replacement that extends the useful operational life by at least
                     two years or expands capacity of an existing facility.

             Capital Projects Budget

           The spending authority for capital projects is the capital budget which includes only capital projects
           appropriated by specific City Council action. City staff identifies estimated costs, project schedule and
           available sources of funding for each capital project before it is submitted to the City Council for
           appropriation and inclusion into the capital budget.

           Revenue sources for the Capital Projects Fund include proceeds from tax supported general obligation debt,
           inter-fund transfers from operating and special revenue funds, and interest earnings.  Appropriations for
           capital expenditures in the capital projects fund may be included as part of the annual budget, or may be
           adopted on a project by project basis and extending beyond one year through the project completion

           I Capital Planning

           Future capital needs are to be identified and considered for inclusion in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
           of the City. The CIP is to be a multi-year projection of the City's capital needs and financing requirements.
           As a planning document, the CIP will not impart any spending authority.

           The City commissioned a Comprehensive Master Plan and the final report was delivered to the City in
           August 2010. The City developed its own master 5 year CIP, which can be found in this section of the
           budget. Further development of the CIP will be linked to the Comprehensive Master Plan and financial
           strategic plans.

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