Page 15 - Forest Hill FY22 Annual Budget
P. 15



             Facility Locations

                     City Hall                               3219 E California Parkway
                     Civic & Convention Center               6901 Wichita Street
                     Public Works                            3 IO I  Horton Road
                     Fire Department                         6304 Wanda Lane
                     Police Department                       3336 Horton Road
                     Senior Citizens Center                  7004 Forest Hill Drive
                     Police I Fire Substation                6800 Forest Hill Drive
                     Old City Hall Building                  6808 Forest Hill Drive
                     Old Public Works Building               3415 Horton Road

           I  Library

           There is a Public Library that is funded by a Special Sales Tax.  The Library is located at 6962 Forest Hill Drive, Forest
           Hill, Texas 76140.  The Library is not part of the City of Forest Hill budget.  The library is a separate entity with its own
           Board and Charter.

           I   Sales Tax Rates

           The City of Forest Hill has a Sales Tax Rate of8.25%.  The rate is composed of the following

                     State of Texas                                  6.25%
                     City of Forest Hill                            1.75%
                     Special Library Rate                            0.25%
                     Total                                          8.25%

           For the 1.75% that the City receives, it is broken out as follows:

                     General Fund                                    1.00%
                     Community Development                          0.50%
                     Street Improvement                             0.25%
                     Total                                          1.75%

           I  Property Taxes

                     2021 Property Tax Rate                  $.997342 per $100 valuation

                     2021 Certified Net Tax Value            $701,337,999

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